Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maho Bay Campground

I have officially moved over to the new and improved location for my little adventure. Maho bay is an Eco-tourist site with a bunch of tent-cabins, a kitchen and cafeteria, store, activities desk, and access to several beaches. The part that is really making it for me however, is the fact that this place subsists on volunteer work. If they had to employ all of the people it takes to run this place, there is no way it would survive. What this means for me is that there are a whole bunch of "four hours" (volunteers like me who work 4 hrs in exchange for a place to stay) all around my age. Everyone is really nice and sociable and it seems like a great place to be set up. Wish I would have found it to begin with.

Since my last post, I packed up all my stuff from Elsa's place and moved on up the road to this campsite. I have been set up in a tent with a room mate named Adam who is from Ohio. He is fresh off the plane, so I have been showing him around a lot. Its kinda nice to get to share the little experience I have on the island with a newbie. We went into town yesterday for some groceries and stuff, and just to show him the island in the day time. I hung at the beach and played the ukulele for a while and had a great time with that. The other volunteers are great and invited me to a little potluck dinner they had. Very inclusive community.

I start work today at 1 pm and work about 6.5 hr each day I am on. I will do the prep for dinner and serve dinner as well. The cafeteria here offers about 4-5 different entrees option each night, with a salad bar, on rolling themed nights (Italian night, Asian Night). On the nights I work I get fed and if I buy food, I get 40% off which brings the exorbitant island prices back closer to the states. Still, dinner is $10 so I am trying to budget for other options as well. In the tents we get a propane stove, cooler, pots and pans, jug for free drinking water, bed, electricity and lights. It is a huge step up from where I was at and I am very comfortable here. I am excited to start work tonight.

The campsite also gives us discounts on boat trips, dives and taxis, food items in the store, etc. So I have signed up for a couple dives and am trying to see if there are people who want to take a BVI trip on my day off. I have a hike scheduled, but am going to have to reschedule as I am working Friday morning now. Oh well.

I was checking out the internet cafe, at which I also get half off, to see what it was like and if I can upload pictures, which I can, but haven't taken many yet. So that is my job today and I will try and post them tomorrow. Thanks for all the support, I'm much better off at the new place. The last picture is one I took of Maho Bay yesterday. On the hill, you can see little white tents sticking out of the trees. These are the eco-tents and main buildings of the campsite sticking out of the jungle.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having so much fun and cooking up a storm. Not surprised that they're impressed by your culinary talents. Thanks for the update - keep on posting.

