We hiked to a place called Water Lemon, about a mile and a half outside camp. It was an easy level hike, but when we got there we walked on rock beach and overgrown trail, all the way around the bay. The chief attraction here is the small island in the mouth of the bay that supports a very beautiful coral reef. You can snorkel all the way around this island and see some really great coral and sea life. It was a quick trip, but a very beautiful place to go.
Donkeys chilling on the beach on the hike to rams head. There are herds of wild donkey all over the island as well ad goats and chickens. They have just roamed free for so long that there is no one to claim them any more.
The small island at the mouth of Water Lemon. The island behind it is the Great Thatch Island in the BVI, but from the Hike, we could see Tortola, the biggest BVI and the capitol of the BVI.
Sitting on top of the cliff jump at Whistling Cay. Its a hairy climb up to the rock, but it is so beautiful once you are up there, and then you jump off it.
The view back to the south shore of St. John from Rams Head. This hike is a really cool trek out to the southernmost tip or the island. Looking out from this point, there is nothing but ocean. It is usually really breezy and hot, but we made it on a cloudy day, so we weren't sweltering.
Yesterday the camp threw a beach party and we grilled out and floated all day. I am trying to get motivated to hike to Coral Bay over the Johnny Horn Trail, but it is really steep. I am taking another trip to the BVI next week on a boat called the Kokoa, a cat designed to carry 60, but we have chartered it for 12. SHould be really fun. Work is going great and now that the camp is feeding me, a condition of my extension, life is much less expensive. I hope to dive again before I go, and I am also hoping to rent a scooter so as to explore some of the more remote parts of the island.
Thanks for reading
Fabulous photos - what a beautiful spot. Glad to know you're doing lots of hiking in preparation for Nepal. I'v been hiking my buns off but not in such a tropical locale. We had hail yesterday at the top of Mt. Pilchuck!